Welcome Rebound Athletics


Rebound Athletics is a triathlon community based in South Brisbane with swim, cycling and running training offerings. We’ve helped 100+ people to reach their triathlon goals whether that be their first sprint or Olympic distance all the way through to our seasoned Ironman’s.  Most importantly At Rebound Club we believe training doesn’t have to be all that serious, and instead training can be a tool to better ourselves everyday, surround ourselves with like-minded individuals and live a happier, more fulfilling life. We also recognise everyone has different goals and we welcome all!

Our head coach Nathan, otherwise, referred to as Frenchie is a pro triathlete himself and an all-round triathlon enthusiast. Nathan is highly passionate, energetic, determined and caring, all skills critical to being a good coach. Nathan views coaching as a two-way street and works hard to ensure he understands your individual goals. Whether it is running, cycling and/or swimming Nathan has expertise in all fields. 

Feel free to join in for a week or so for free to see what we're all about!

Reach out if you have any questions!